
An interdisciplinary
telemedicine consultation & education service for clinicians in Ontario.

Using telephone, eConsult and fax, doctors, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists receive a coordinated response to questions regarding optimizing medications, mental health and comorbidities in older adult patients from a team of geriatric specialists and pharmacists. 

GeriMedRisk is a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health. 

To access some of our resources visit:

Periodic Table

Clinicians can access GeriMedRisk by toll-free phone, fax, eConsult or through intake forms.

Telephone: 1-855-261-0508

(Monday to Friday: 9 am- 5pm)

Fax: (519) 279-2959

Ontario Telemedicine Network eConsult

(Specialty or Recipient: GeriMedRisk)

Champlain BASEā„¢ eConsult:

(Specialty: GeriMedRisk)

Specialized Geriatric Services (SGS)
Intake Forms 

How GeriMedRisk works

YouTube video preview
